Repetition in

After seeing Fletch many, many times, you begin to notice a lot of parallelisms throughout the movie.

  • Fletch tells Frank that he looks "peaked" and asks him if he wants to throw up.

  • Fletch tells Dr. Dolan that Allen is looking a little "peaked."

  • Fletch tells Stanwyk that he found out "Hopalong" Cassidy had killed himself at Stanwyk's home.

  • Upon hearing he is liable to lose a lot of those humanitarian awards, Stanwyk replies, "Tough Shit, Hopalong."

  • Fletch calls Alan Stanwyk "Ass-Face" when questioned about his drug use.

  • Stanwyk calls Fletch "Ass-face" when explaining he was allready prepared to commit one murder.

  • Fletch shows Arnold T. Pants esq. his "Publisher's Clearing House."

  • Fletch finds a "Publisher's Clearing House" in Sally Ann Cavanaugh's mail box.

  • Female voice on tape recorder: (Heavy breathing)......You're not recording this, are you?
    Fletch: no, never, never.

  • Mr. Boyd's Secretary: Sugar Mr. Poon?
    Fletch: No, never, never, thank you.

  • Upon being told that the lock to Sally Ann Cavanaugh's house is busted, Fletch replies, "Well, there you have it."

  • Fletch pops open the bottle of Dom Perignon saying, "Yeah there you have it."

  • Gail Stanwyk: It's a beautiful name.
    Fletch: Well, its Scottish Romanian.
  • Mr. Boyd: What kind of a name is Poon?
    Fletch: Camanche Indian.

  • Fletch grabs a can of "Coors" which is laying down horizontally in his fridge.

  • Fletch opens Sally Ann Cavanaugh's fridge to find it a mess, but you see a can of "Coors" laying horizontally.

  • Mr. Boyd says, "Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick" upon hearing from Mr. poon of the SEC that he and his son in law may become the scapegoats of the week.

  • When given his $400 lunch check, Mr. Underhill says "...Jesus H. Christ where is he?!?!"

  • Parallelisms between and

  • Fletch tells Creasy that he feels "like a hundred dollars."

  • Ty Webb tells Lacy Underall that he feels "like a hundred dollars."

  • Jim Swarthout: Pardon me?
    Fletch(Alias Igor Stravinsky): Pardon you?
  • Danny Noonan: Pardon me?

  • Ty Webb(hankerchief over mouth): Pardon you?

  • Teenager in car:...You a cop?
    Fletch:As far as you know.
  • Carl Spackler: People think I'm an idiot or something, because all I do is cut lawns for a living.

  • Ty Webb: People don't say that about you...as far as you know.

    Copyright 2000

    Any comments, suggestions, and of course agreement that
    is the greatest movie of all time: e-mail me

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